Day 3: Towndog

Today it was just me and Kel down at the lagoon, from about 2:30 - 5:30. In that time we just worked on The Sausage Song, which we got all done (not mastered of course) but it is sounding pretty good without fancy FX.
We may be back down there tomorrow, not quite sure yet. Still a lot to do... guitar and bass and vocal tracks for each song.
Also moved Snakey Snakeson so it wasn't slithering out along the corridor. So now the doors can be shut and locked at night so our gear feels a little more secure. Should be about finished with the drumkit now - we were borrowing mic's off it today as we recorded the bass to "The Sausage Song" with 3 trakcs (1 DI, 1 SM57, and the condensor). Then recorded the vox in stereo.
I tried to do a draft mixdown for you guys as a sample but it wasn't working. Hopefully it will work at some stage!
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